Join Us on May 19 for Shred Day



It’s been a busy season with the spring market getting into full swing and Tax Day coming and going. Hopefully you all got your taxes filed properly and in time! In honor of Tax Day, I want to invite you to a special upcoming event.

“Shred Day is a day to properly dispose of any tax documents or otherwise sensitive paperwork that you’re not comfortable throwing in the trash or recycle bin.”

On May 19, from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m., I invite you to join us in our office parking lot for Shred Day (6250 Old Dobbin Lane #140, Columbia, MD 21045).

Shred Day is a day to properly dispose of any tax documents or otherwise sensitive paperwork that you’re not comfortable throwing in the trash or recycle bin. We have a company joining us who will shred all these papers for you and make sure it’s done securely. We’ll have some games and events for the kids, so feel free to bring your family along.

The market is hot and there is a lack of homes. If you know anyone who is looking to sell their home, we are in need, so feel free to reach out to us. In the meantime, keep an eye out for our Shred Day invitation.